Entries by Jordan Erickson

“Ballast Management Equipment Update 2019”

Checkout this article on progressiverailroading.com featuring our Ballast Blaster! For addition ballast maintenance lineup: the Hydraulic Clam Cribbing Bucket for backhoe loaders and excavators visit us at www.dymaxrail.com https://www.progressiverailroading.com/mow/article/Ballast-Management-Equipment-Update-2019–57739

Dymax Railway Vehicle

Here is one of our latest creations. This railway vehicle will be headed to New York soon for helping to move large excavators in drilling and piling operations for the 3rd track project. It moves 85000lbs sideways 14 inches to provide clearance from adjacent line tracks. It’s always been a partnership of innovation in application […]

DYMAX Ballast Blaster in Missouri (2017) (Video)

DYMAX Ballast Blaster in Missouri (2017) Dymax Ballast Blasters are the only excavator undercutters in the world engineered to work with all makes of standard, stock excavators. The Dymax Ballast Blaster undercutter bar has a LIFETIME WARRANTY and is covered under U.S. PATENT NO. 8,904,676! The patented, auto-adjusting chain dramatically reduces chain wear, increasing safety […]