Lowbed Equipment Movers

DymaxRail’s Lowbed Equipment Movers can carry anything from the band to a Tadano 1200 crane and even a Cat D10 dozer if you really want to move some earth.  On a recent trip to a far off railway worksite one customer was celebrating.  They could finally move their cranes and their entire equipment fleet in a day.  It used to take them nearly a week to mobilize the equipment due to the massive machine sizes and sometimes they’d have to build roads to get the equipment into the worksite.  With 90 tons of capacity who wouldn’t want to take a ride on this Band Wagon! Crawl on and let’s go!.

DymaxRail Lowbed Equipment Movers are self propelled railway vehicles that can move on highways and railways.  They load to and from the railway crossing in 7 minutes or less and can travel up to 20 mph speeds on rail.